I have a life insurance policy, how much insurance do I have? Why did I buy it? How did I come up with that insurance amount? Is it enough or too much? What company did I buy it from? How is that company doing now? When did I purchase it? Is my insurance agent still in business? Is there a newer and better product now? What type of policy is it? Term? Whole Life? Universal Life? Accidental only? Did I purchase any riders? How does it work? Do insurance companies change their rates from time to time like car insurance? Can I get a better rate on my 5 year old insurance policy from a different insurance company? And extend my term years? Is there such a thing as forever-term? Can I get a better rate if I stopped smoking? A better cholesterol level? Lost a few pounds? Can I keep my insurance policy through my employer if I lost my job? What if my new employer doesn't offer this benefit? Is it more expensive to get my own insurance when I'm older (when I’m not as healthy as I used to be or is uninsurable due to a major disease)? Is there guaranteed issue product that doesn't consider my health level? Can I get a refund at the end of the term if I don't die? Do I have to die to use the money in the life insurance? Can I take out money in my life insurance for emergency, sickness, disability, long term care needs, retirement supplement, education funding, or for whatever I want to use it for? How is the death benefit taxed? Is the cash value in my account being taxed? How can I access the cash value tax free? Can I invest in mutual funds in my insurance policy? Can I sell my insurance policy for cash?
Do I have Long-Term Disability Income insurance through work? Am I paying for it or my employer is? Can I add more during enrollment? What percentage of my income does it cover? Does it cover my base salary only or plus my commissions and bonuses? How about my stock options? Can I take my disability insurance policy with me when I leave my job? Does it make sense to purchase a supplemental policy on my own? Can I still get it after I leave my job and maintain the same rate? How long does my disability insurance policy cover me for? How long do I have to wait until my benefit kicks in? How do I qualify for the claims? Does it have inflation protection? Does it guarantee that I can purchase more at the same rate even if I'm not healthy or if I changed career? Is my premium guaranteed? Can I still work part time and continue to receive benefit? Does it have survivor benefit? Do I receive benefit as long as I'm disabled? Any other benefits that I’m not aware of?
I have a Long-Term Care insurance policy, is my premium guaranteed to not increase? Has the premium increased before or will be? Does my policy allow me to write off my premiums each year? What if I don't end up using the insurance do I get anything back? Does it pay my beneficiary a death benefit if I die? Do I receive the benefit in the form of cash or reimbursement? Does it cover me forever or just a few years? Under what conditions can I go on a claim? Can my CalPERS plan go up in premiums? I don't have a LTCi policy, how will I pay for my care or my family members' care?
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